Kimbolton WI Standard made by Una Gould
Standard made by Una Gould

Kimbolton W.I., founded in 1933, has been going strong for 92 years. It is a very friendly branch attracting members of all ages not only from the village itself but also further afield.
Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month excepting August. The Programme of Events is a varied one with guest speakers and activities that reflect the interests of the current membership. Each year there is a Birthday Dinner to commemorate the founding of the Kimbolton Branch, a trip to a place of local interest and the ever popular Christmas Party. Another highlight is the Crafting Session lead by June Edwards who was the overall winner of the National ‘Tomorrow’s Heirlooms’ Competition in 2015 – the WI’s Centenary Year.  Occasionally we join forces with Eye W.I. for trips or visit their branch at Cawley Hall.

Kimbolton W.I. portfolio made by June Edwards
June’s prize-winning Portfolio


  • Visitors are always welcome and there is no obligation to join. For further information please contact Alison Alderson on

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